In this episode of the SaaS Revolution Show our host Alex Theuma is joined by serial founder Patrick Barnes, co-founder & CEO at AMP, who shares his lessons from the first time to make the second time easier.

“One of the things we did when we first started the company was actually acquire a small SaaS company, or really more of a product, just with our own money. The reason we acquired it is it had 2,000 customers and having angry customers is a beautiful thing. Anybody listening to this who has customers that wouldn’t get angry if the product went down, like should just shut the company down and work on something else. Like you want people calling you up, telling you it needs to do more things, saying, “hey, this bad thing happened, this is terrible”. It was a great way for us to get this injection of the customer voice, of the urgency into the company and sort of skip those first, say, six or nine months.”

Patrick shares:

  • How (and why) to adapt leadership style when managing a larger team
  • Getting to eight figures in ARR within 24 months
  • Why starting with the customer and working backwards is key
  • Why there needs to be just *one* CEO
  • How to get faster at recognising mistakes as a leader

and more!

Watch or listen to the full episode below.


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