When it comes to choosing a new product or service, most people look for reviews to see what other people have to say about it. This is especially true for business software.
In fact, 92% of people said they would be more likely to purchase a product or service if they saw more positive reviews about it.
Creating a review blog post for your SaaS can help you provide the information your prospects are looking for and it can also help improve your SEO with SEO apps.
Here, we’ll take a look at how to create a review blog post for SaaS.
1. Write an introduction
The introduction is the place to explain why you’re writing the review and what your experience has been like with the software so far.
You can also use this space to give a brief overview of the company, the software, and the problem it solves.
For example, if you were writing a review of HubSpot’s email survey software, you might talk about HubSpot’s overall reputation and what email marketing services areused for.
2. Tell your readers what the product does
Before you jump into the review, you need to introduce your readers to the product.
This is where you can cover the basics of what the software does and who it’s for.
You’ll want to make sure you’re clear on the problem the software solves and who has that problem. If you’re not, you may want to do some research on your own or reach out to the company so you can speak to it in your review.
This is also a great time to introduce your readers to the company behind the product. You can include things like:
- When the company was founded
- Who the founders are
- The company’s mission
- The company’s team
- Any notable investors
- The company’s funding history
- The company’s culture
- The company’s accolades
You could even go the extra mile and show a video tutorial or demo of the product. For example, if you’ve purchased VPS security for cloud monitoring your server, you could screenrecord yourself backing up important data to demonstrate your experience.
3. Share your thoughts on the product
Now that you’ve introduced the product and provided some background information, it’s time to share your thoughts.
This is where you’ll get to the heart of the review, so you’ll want to be as detailed as possible. Think about what your readers will want to know about the product and be sure to cover those points.
You may also want to include a section on who the product is best for, and who might not find it as useful.
4. Compare the product to others in its category
This is a great way to add value to your review blog post. Not only are you helping your readers understand what the product is and does, but you’re also giving them a sense of how it stacks up against the competition.
In this section, you’ll want to provide a brief overview of some of the other products in the same category as the one you’re reviewing. Then, you can compare and contrast them with the product you’re reviewing.
5. Include a call-to-action
Every blog post should have a call-to-action (CTA), and review posts are no exception. Your CTA should be related to the topic of your review post and should encourage readers to take the next step.
For example, if you’re reviewing a SaaS product that offers a free trial, your CTA could be to encourage readers to sign up for the free trial. If the product you’re reviewing offers a discount to new customers, your CTA could be to encourage readers to take advantage of the discount by signing up.
Whatever your CTA is, make sure it’s clear, concise, and relevant to the topic of your review post.
6. Use the right keywords
If you want your SaaS review to be seen by the right people, you need to use the right keywords.
This means using keywords that your target audience is likely to use when searching for a SaaS solution like yours.
You can use a free trial of SEMrush of other similar tools to do keyword research and find the best keywords to use in your review.
7. Share your review on social media
Social media is one of the best places to share your review blog post. You can share the post on your company’s social media profiles, as well as your personal profiles. Consider creating a vanity URL for your review post to make it more shareable and easier for readers to remember.
You can also share the post in relevant LinkedIn groups and other online communities. This is a great way to get your review in front of potential customers.
When you share your review blog post on social media, be sure to include a link to the post and a short summary of the review. Use an AI summarizer to create a bite-sized summary of the review that will grab the attention of your audience. You can also include any relevant hashtags to help people find your post. The only exception here is Instagram where you can’t include a live link, but you can add a product description which will be highlighted in the right sidebar.
8. Ask the product creator to share your review
Now that your review is live, ask the product creator to share your review on their website and social media profiles. Most SaaS companies are happy to do this because it helps to build trust with potential customers.
If they don’t share your review, you can always share it on your own website and social media profiles. Be sure to tag the product creator and use any relevant hashtags.
Creating a review blog post is a surefire way to increase your content marketing strategy. So why not start reviewing other SaaS companies?